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How To Transplant Phlox In Summer For Stunning Results


Phlox are beautiful flowers that can add a splash of color to any garden. They are also relatively easy to care for, making them a good choice for even beginner gardeners.

If you already have phlox in your garden, you may be wondering if it is possible to transplant them in the summer. The answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to do to make sure the transplant is successful.

In this blog post, I will walk you through the steps on how to transplant phlox in summer. I will also provide some tips for ensuring that your plants thrive in their new location.

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Step 1: Choose the right time to transplant.

The best time to transplant phlox is in the summer, when the weather is warm and the plants are actively growing. However, you can also transplant phlox in the spring or fall, as long as the weather is mild.

Step 2: Prepare the new planting site.

The new planting site should be in full sun and have well-drained soil. If your soil is heavy clay, you may need to add some sand or compost to improve drainage.

Step 3: Dig up the phlox plant.

Use a shovel to dig up the phlox plant, being careful not to damage the roots. If the plant is large, you may need to dig it up in sections.

Step 4: Water the phlox plant.

Once you have dug up the phlox plant, water it thoroughly. This will help to keep the roots moist during the transplanting process.

Step 5: Transplant the phlox plant.

Plant the phlox plant in the new location, making sure that the roots are spread out evenly. Backfill the hole with soil and water the plant again.

Step 6: Mulch the phlox plant.

Apply a layer of mulch around the phlox plant to help keep the soil moist and suppress weeds.

Step 7: Water the phlox plant regularly.

Water the phlox plant regularly, especially during the first few weeks after transplanting.

Tips for Transplanting Phlox in Summer

  • Choose a cloudy day to transplant phlox. This will help to prevent the roots from drying out.
  • If you are transplanting a large phlox plant, you may need to have someone help you.
  • Be careful not to bury the crown of the phlox plant. The crown should be just above the soil level.
  • Water the phlox plant thoroughly after transplanting.
  • Mulch the phlox plant to help keep the soil moist and suppress weeds.


Transplanting phlox in summer is a great way to add new plants to your garden or to divide overcrowded clumps. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your phlox plants thrive in their new location.

If you are thinking about transplanting phlox in the summer, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki for more information. This website has a comprehensive guide on how to transplant phlox, including tips on when to transplant, how to prepare the soil, and how to care for the plants after transplanting.

FAQ of transplanting phlox in summer

  • Q: Can I transplant phlox in summer?
    • A: Yes, you can transplant phlox in summer, but it is not the ideal time to do so. Phlox is a hardy plant and can tolerate some root disturbance, but transplanting in summer can stress the plant and lead to transplant shock. If you do need to transplant phlox in summer, be sure to do it during a cool, cloudy day and water the plant well after transplanting.
  • Q: What is the best way to transplant phlox in summer?
    • A: Here are the steps on how to transplant phlox in summer:
      • Choose a cool, cloudy day to transplant.
      • Water the phlox plant well the day before transplanting.
      • Dig up the phlox plant with a sharp spade, being careful not to damage the roots.
      • Tease the roots apart gently to loosen them.
      • Transplant the phlox plant to a new location that is similar to its old location in terms of sun exposure, soil type, and drainage.
      • Water the phlox plant well after transplanting.
  • Q: What are some tips for caring for transplanted phlox in summer?
    • Keep the transplanted phlox plant well-watered, especially during the first few weeks after transplanting.
    • Mulch around the plant to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.
    • Fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the summer.
  • Q: What are some common problems that can occur when transplanting phlox in summer?
    • Transplant shock: This is a condition that occurs when a plant is transplanted and is unable to adjust to its new environment. Symptoms of transplant shock include wilting, yellowing leaves, and stunted growth.
    • Root rot: This is a fungal disease that can attack phlox plants, especially those that are stressed. Symptoms of root rot include wilting, yellowing leaves, and the presence of a foul odor around the roots.
  • Q: How can I prevent problems when transplanting phlox in summer?
    • Choose a healthy plant to transplant.
    • Transplant the plant during a cool, cloudy day.
    • Water the plant well before and after transplanting.
    • Mulch around the plant to help retain moisture.
    • Fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the summer.

Image of transplanting phlox in summer

10 different images of transplanting phlox in summer that are free to use:

  1. A gardener digging up a phlox plant.Image of Gardener digging up phlox plant
  2. A gardener carefully loosening the roots of the phlox plant.Image of Gardener loosening roots of phlox plant
  3. A gardener placing the phlox plant in a new hole.Image of Gardener placing phlox plant in new hole
  4. A gardener watering the newly transplanted phlox plant.Image of Gardener watering newly transplanted phlox plant
  5. A close-up of the roots of a phlox plant.Image of Close-up of roots of phlox plant
  6. A close-up of the leaves of a phlox plant.Image of Close-up of leaves of phlox plant
  7. A phlox plant in full bloom.Image of Phlox plant in full bloom
  8. A cluster of phlox plants in a garden.Image of Cluster of phlox plants in garden
  9. A phlox plant in a pot.Image of Phlox plant in pot
  10. A phlox plant in a vase.Image of Phlox plant in vase

I hope these images help you with your transplanting project!

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